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The societies will be asked to set up their own deadline

Under the MRTP Act, of the 162 societies that were issued notices, 34 have complied, while 13 have sought an extension. However, even that deadline has passed. Of them, 680 have complied with the notices, whereas 1,242 have sought an extension for compliance. "It has been found that many housing societies are still not serious about BMC’s notices to carry out waste segregation and composting.Under the MRTP Act, of the 162 societies that were issued notices, 34 have complied, while 13 have sought an extension. So as a last-ditch effort, they will be asked to prepare their own deadline to compost waste . Housing societies which were constructed since 2007, where the earmarked area for vermi-composting is free of FSI but used for other purposes, change of use action will be initiated against them.Under the Act, officials of housing societies are liable to face three months’ imprisonment, which can be extended to three years, for not carrying out waste management.

The societies will be asked to set up their own deadline for waste management, and failing to comply it, will face strong action like prosecution and penalty, warned civic officials.According to civic data, out of 3,335 societies, 3,308 were issued notices under the municipal act for not carrying waste management on their premises. If they fail to comply, they will face prosecution as well as a penalty," said an official. (Representational Image) The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has decided to offer a final chance to housing societies that, despite having received notices, have turned a blind eye towards waste segregation and composting. However, the civic body later decided to relax its deadline by three months on the condition that societies give a written assurance that they would undertake waste management projects within the stipulated period. Of them, 680 have complied with the notices, whereas 1,242 have sought an extension for compliance. Addition-ally, a penalty from Rs 2,500 to Rs 10,000 will also be levied on these societies under the Act.If the organic waste converter is not provided or operated in the society premises, the MPCB has been asked to take action under the provision of Environment Protection Act 1986.Deadlines MissedThe civic body had threatened not to pick up garbage and fine and prosecute housing societies for failing to segregate the garbage and treat it on their premises by October 2. Many of them have blatantly misused the space reserved for waste management on their premises. Head Studs Manufacturers They will also be charged an additional daily fine of Rs 100

The fact remains that core issues seem to be getting sidelined

Like it or not, accept it or not, you are either a bhakt or a pseudo liberal. Today, a neutral view or a fair critique seems like a far-fetched theory, especially when it comes to social and political views. What is taking its place is a deafening cacophony of bigoted, misogynistic ranting on electronic media and various social media platforms. She is a media consultant with almost two decades of experience across journalism, communications, campaigns, social impact and strategic brand building. Miller was busy blasting CNN and trying to position Trump as a "political genius", while Tapper cut him off mid-sentence saying, "I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time. Making personal comments, getting abusive, and even threatening, all this is now a part of "debate".India loses a match to South Africa by 72 runs on Monday and some netizens troll Anushka Sharma blaming Self-Chinching Nuts ManufacturersVirushka for the defeat. Ignore the issue, focus on the irrelevant. You are no longer an individual with a fundamental right to a different, informed and balanced viewpoint.) This is a trend visible not just in TV studios but across social media, in colleges, on public platforms and even in friendly groups in cafes. Some of our politicians and culture vultures have hit a new low when it comes to political differences in talking about rape and women’s rights issues.

This is happening across the world, in the US, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia.Padmavati is now Padmavat. Threatening a woman with rape or murder because you do not agree to her views, or you feel that she has in some unimaginable way hurt your pride, is a reality that is not only shocking but also scary.(The author is a believer in the power of communication.People with agendas have always been a part of news discourse, but in the last few years, their role seems to be expanding and along with it, discordant and shrill statements." Is this the beginning of the end of debates?Today, we have the power to alter national dialogue, but only if we walk away from imposing our views and come together for constructive and healthy debate; allow ourselves to listen, understand and give space to views beyond ours.In a democracy, we need to remember to have civilised and democratic debates and be willing to allow multiple viewpoints to co-exist.The violence that occurred on January 1 this year, during the bicentennial commemoration of the Koregaon-Bhima battle, in which British forces and a company of Dalits defeated the army of the Peshwas 200 years ago, is another case in point where space to allow different viewpoints and perspectives is fast diminishing. Crimes against women are rising — blame it on adverse stars, said a Chhattisgarh minister a few years back. A dangerous trend is abuse and threat that has become part of conversations and discussions. Be it issues of racism, human rights, immigrants, jobs, religion or women’s rights, the space for constructive debate is shrinking and that of loud propaganda is expanding. But hold on, apparently not yet! The movie is still objectionable to a few who have not seen it. The space for public debate and exchange of ideas is fast shrinking.

The fact remains that core issues seem to be getting sidelined and shrill noises with agendas are taking over the debate. We seem to be losing sight of the debate and instead becoming hysterical and verbally assaulting the other person’s views, rudely cutting off people while they are talking.A 30-year old woman is allegedly raped in Karnataka by two security guards at a tennis club; the home minister wants to know why she was playing tennis so late.A case of falling levels of debate was CNN’s Jake Tapper’s interview with the White House senior adviser Stephen Miller. We # are living in the age of toxic loyalties that are often deaf and blind to rational behaviour.The few that question and want to have a fair debate based on facts and merits are becoming victims of powerful lobby groups that go into hyperactive mode, abusing and trying to shut them down. It’s a bunch of people with fixed viewpoints arguing, squabbling and rebutting. The interview clearly went off the rails soon after Tapper pressed the White House aide on claims about President Donald Trump in Michael Wolff’s new book on the administration, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.We are fast becoming more argumentative and forgetting the "art of conversation" and "healthy criticism". The fact remains that core issues seem to be getting sidelined and shrill noises with agendas are taking over the debate.The Supreme Court agrees to reconsider its decision that upheld a law that criminalises homosexuality, and Subramaniam Swami roots for the archaic Article 377 because he feels gay people need to be punished if they flaunt their sexuality. The FIR against the reporter who did the story on Aadhaar data breach is a classic example of this. This was big breaking news that once again had TV studios clamouring for answers in what is the big prime-time tamasha where nobody wants to have a conversation, deliberate on any opposing views or even discuss facts. Sadly, everyone today is being forced to take sides or is being branded with labels. Polarisation in public discourse seems to have become the norm. Phew! We all heaved a collective sigh of relief as the crisis was averted. Blame it on formats, the ratings race, the need to have a controversial stance or to anchors too big for their boots or simply to the rising disregard for views other than one’s own. Nationalism has become an excuse to divide and create a continuous civic turmoil rather than drive positive change. This is a trend visible not just in TV studios but across social media, in colleges, on public platforms and even in friendly groups in cafes.As I watch news channels, one thing that stands out stark and sharp is that there seems to be no place for a healthy debate, anywhere

The cheats will be chased away

Now there seemed to be outsiders everywhere, and everyone was terrified, there was no trust among friends or neighbours.This year, scores of surprised innocents have been lynched by neighbours or strangers empowered by these ridiculous rumours. Outsiders are eyeing your wives and daughters, and stealing your children’s future. 53. We go with the flow, powered by mob mentality and guided by our biases. And remember that we are all grown up and don’t need Santas.While earlier such rumours didn’t lead to violence, now they do. "We don’t have food," said another. But ho ho ho! What have I got here, in my huge big sack? Yes! Solutions to all your problems! You will be safe. "How old are you?" he asked. "We don’t have a future for our children. Then I will give you `15 lakhs each!"The grim bunch clapped in joy and carried Santa on their shoulders to their village head’s throne...The grim became grimmer.. Their faces glowed." "We toil in the fields all day, yet we don’t get our dues. You will have a good life — happy days are here!"The grim bunch sat up."

The complaints went on. "Why are you sad?" he asked. "I’m 22. Where a ghostly braid chopper leads the police on a merry dance as it flits through several states and creates serious security problems in Kashmir simply by creeping up on you and invisibly cutting off your hair. I’m 35.Meanwhile, the country took a real hit as the telecom sector plunged, thousands lost their jobs and foreign companies withdrew, licking their losses.. And the Hindutva goons who lynched Pehlu Khan, a dairy farmer in Rajasthan, are protected by the police. We have come a long way down that lazy path.Abandoning logic and facts to kneel at the altar of fake news can destroy us..The grim bunch clapped in joy and carried Santa on their shoulders to their village head’s throne. "Santa?" they asked softly after some years, "it’s so much worse than before. Their money was taken away, their rations were denied by machines, they had even fewer jobs than before, farmers made bigger losses, every day became a bigger struggle, their sick continued to die without healthcare, and the future of their children remained bleak. "Really, Santa?" they chirped gleefully. And we haven’t got the Rs 15 lakhs that you promised either." "We don’t have hospitals. And in a vulgar genuflection to the Opposition’s deception and manufactured public perception, it first asked Mr Aiyar to apologise, and when he did, suspended him from the party. While defending Jawaharlal Nehru’s contribution to India in response to the current PM’s scandalous slurs against the first PM, Mr Aiyar had said that Narendra Modi was a "neech kisam ka aadmi" who had no "sabhyata" — a lowly kind of character without civility. "But you must do exactly what I say. Where the police thunder down the streets of Delhi to capture the surreal helmeted Monkey Man with steel claws who swings by at night. 48. The charge of colossal corruption helped turn the tide against the UPA government and brought the BJP to power, which richly rewarded Mr Rai.. Too lazy to use logic, too exhausted to think, we choose blind belief instead. With the media, especially the social media, egging us on, we kill in the name of imaginary fears.Santa smiled.. We want to believe.. "Friends," he said, "that’s because you have been cheated by the rich and the powerful, the corrupt have stolen your money and stashed it in foreign banks, they are denying you jobs, and healthcare and your dues.

And brazen video recordings of the killings drum up support for the killers, like it did for Shambhulal Regar, who hacked and burned to death Afrazul, a migrant labourer in Rajasthan, simply because he was Muslim. Rumours playing on our prejudices have been used to kill Muslims and dalits over the years, and engineer the 2002 Gujarat pogrom and the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots.Instead of taking on the PM’s fabrications, the witless Congress turned on its own.. "We don’t have jobs," said one. Corruption will be finished off. He then went on to say that Mr Aiyar had been conspiring against him with Pakistan. Ironically, the lead was taken by Rahul Gandhi, whose family Mr Aiyar has been fiercely loyal to. 85. Santa laughed: "And you still believe in Santa?"We are a nation of the gullible. Where frenzied pujas stave off the next monster, the Muhnochwa, who flies through the night sky with flashing lights, and swoops down to scratch your face with metal fingernails. Last week, the trial court’s acquittal of all the accused in the 2G spectrum case shows how gullible we were in believing then Comptroller and Auditor-General Vinod Rai’s claim of a presumptive loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crores. Not to mention the cultural change that the new regime brought in, attacking the very roots of our constitutional democracy.Mr Modi snatched it up and built on it — claiming in his campaign for the Gujarat polls that Mr Aiyar had insulted him by saying he was from a "neech jaati", or low caste, and thus weld studs had humiliated all low castes, even all of Gujarat.

The cheats will be chased away. They are plotting with enemies across the border to kill you and your family. Mani Shankar Aiyar (Photo: PTI) A bunch of people sat exchanging sighs when Santa came up to them. 67..But this is not new." Santa frowned.What is new is the overwhelming enthusiasm of secular people in believing ill of those they have no natural bias against.. All of you will get jobs. They should have actually congratulated themselves for helping the BJP to win on a false premise.." they replied. We use WhatsApp’s unbridled power to spread fake news and drum up violence against the weak and helpless. Happy 2018! end-of Tags: 2g spectrum case, upa government, mani shankar aiyar.So this is a country where even our leaders pay their respects to stone Ganeshas drinking milk. Then threw themselves into abject misery by following every word of their new leader.. "Of course," said Santa. Then they conveniently blamed Mr Aiyar for the Congress’ loss in Gujarat. Farmers will get their dues, and make big profits. Hopefully next year, we will get our senses back..This urge to believe the worst and go with the flow is particularly evident in the Congress’ shocking suspension of Mani Shankar Aiyar

All too often we recognise it in hindsight

Its alchemy is simply marvelous. As we grow older, our lives get buried under the pressures of the workaday world. We get tight. Even ordinary things have the power to touch every heart. The sun has gone down, the evening mellowed by the soft amber of the setting sun.There is no fault in God’s plan of the universe. Simple things like, a woman pulling water from a well, a grandma feeding a baby cow, a fisherman heading out to the sea — all are images which tell us that everything is all right with the world today. Hold on fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the other side of life’s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox. When you reach the heart of life, you shall find beauty in all things, even in the eyes that are blind to beauty— Kahlil GibranOur great universe is flooded with a galaxy of wonders." Through a break in the clouds, a new moon looking like a pared fingernail appears beside the evening star. We must accept our losses and learn how to let go.Most of us have experienced such magic moments, when we seem to understand ourselves and the world, and for a single instant, know the loveliness of living beings. We override our capacity to admire beauty, to celebrate and to savour from the heart.At sundown, as glow-worms wink goodbye against an inky blue sky, all eyes are directed skywards in search of the crescent moon. God’s grace and beauty is embodied in millions of human beings — like so many stars. We get small. Seize each golden minute.

All too often we recognise it in hindsight — in a backward glance we remember what a spectacle it held for us and then suddenly realise that it is no more. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it bloomed and blossomed; that we failed to respond to love with love when it was offered; that we failed to enjoy the music when it resonated; and didn’t appreciate the life when it glowed bright. But these moments fade quickly, and we are almost wrenched to admit that they have been with us.As the great Sufi master Inayat Khan advices us: "Instead of lamenting your fate, create your world.Here then is the cardinal pole of life’s paradoxical demands on us: never be too busy to deprive yourself of the wonder and the awe of life. It is only in such gentler moments that we can seek the melody of our lives and perceive the astral beauty of the divine. We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned, a music that receded, and a wonder that mellowed. It is just that we are oblivious to it. We can use these silent moments to soften our pain, assuage our grief and salve our grieving heart. We are occasionally amazed by this great mystery but often fail to appreciate it in the heat and bustle of our daily lives.The sad thing is that it happens to most of us so rarely. Its alchemy is simply marvelous. Wholesale Aluminum Rivet Nuts Most of us have experienced such magic moments, when we seem to understand ourselves and the world, and for a single instant, know the loveliness of living beings.There is no fault in God’s plan of the universe. Embrace each wonderful hour. Surely, we ought to hold fast to the wonder, beauty, splendour and amazing radiance that permeates every pore of God’s own earth

A tree had fallen in the Amar Mahal area of Chembue three days

A tree had fallen in the Amar Mahal area of Chembue three days ago too. Apart from the Garden Department, other departments or developers also needs to implement the projects considering the trees in the area, it fails the civic planning then," said Zoru Bhathena, a Mumbai based tree activist. "With buildings on one side and storm water drain construction on the other side, there is no space left for the trees. In Chembur, the death incident forced civic officials into action as they immediately started pruning of trees. Multi-GripBlind Rivets Factory Mumbai: Incidents of tree collapse like Chembur are waiting to happen in other parts of the city as residents are claiming that there are several danger prone trees, but the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials are turning a blind eye towards the issue." Our first complaint was sent on Sept and we have followed up with the issue till November, however we did not even get a response after that. We hope the BMC looks into our complaints seriously," said Manish Gangurde, member of Chembur Citizens Forum. However, in Juhu, residents are saying the danger is still there as despite many complaints the BMC has not taken any action. Nikhi Desai, civic activist from Matunga, said, "The BMC officials are waiting for a disaster to strike as they are turning a deaf ear to people’s complaints. The bench near Diamond Garden, Chembur on which Sharada Ghodeswar was sitting, when a tree crushed her to death on Thursday. Locals from Chembur contended that they have complained to the civic body about various issues pertaining as threats to the trees like weak trees, hanging branches and hunching of trees trunk due to strong cable wires being tied to it. Chembur Citizens Forum, a citizens group compiled the complaints and have sent repeated reminders to the civic body.Residents claim there are several danger-prone trees, but BMC turning a blind eye to their pleas.Citizens have claimed that the storm water drains work in Juhu-Tara road has not left tree basins or space around the trees to breathe.
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